Love an Orange Bastard

The "Love Ulster March" eh? Why wouldn't ya love Ulster? It's great. I went to Donegal on holiday once. Loved it. Had I known there was a march on I would have gone along to recommend it as a holiday destination and so forth. I must make sure to stay informed and go to the Love Lanzarote March when it comes up. Does anyone know when that is?
To be serious for a moment, we don't need to be having marches about how lovely Ulster is. If anything there's too many people loving Ulster. So many in fact that there already isn't enough Ulster to go around. Have you been following this? There's so many people who love Ulster that for years now they haven't wanted to share it. And what happened was that they threatened and intimidated each other and sometimes blew each other up just so they could have the place all for the themselves. While you may not have known this, the organisers certainly did, because the original name of the march was actually "Love Ulster, but I can't stand the neighbours" and for brevity they ended up just calling it the "Love Ulster March". So they really should've known better than to draw attention yet again to its loveliness.

So I'm not so sure a Love Ulster March was necessary. Of course they Love Ulster. But having said that, marches and parades and things are not always done for the sake of making a statement. Sometimes it's worth just celebrating stuff. Like the way we celebrate St. Patrick's Day because we think it's great not having to put up with wiggly snakes anymore (apart from the ones in the zoo). So I suppose that's ok.
For those of you who don't read the news, the love Ulster March didn't go ahead in the end because of a miscommunication as a result of which some people mistakenly believed it was "Re-live the 1916 Rising Day". They thought that the nice people coming down the road were representing the first arrivals of whoever it was we were fighting against back then, then the whole thing got out of hand and in the end neither celebration took place.