Metro Metro Man
I will probably never be a metrosexual. And don't get me wrong, I will continue to aspire in small and ineffectual ways as I have always done, but to be honest it's just not going to happen.

(Anyone know what gets permanent marker off glass by the way? I've tried nothing and... [well, you all know the gag])
So it seems the will is there, but class and the attention to detail just isn't. While I will be the second or third to admit my vanity and propensity to self-indulgence('first' being a little too hot off the mark to be honest), such things have been sadly knocked down the list of priorities in the life that has transpired for 'Better-luck-next-time' Buckles.
I use bottom of the range skin-products, charity shops would reject most of my clothes, I cut my own hair, I use a product which assures me that it is both a shampoo and a shower gel (which I also use as soap and shaving foam), and deodourant, despite it being on my list of essentials, can sometimes fall through the net. And yet I put delicately manicured (in sofar as one can without an emory board) hand on heart and say that I take pride in my appearance.
I imagine that the trouble is that I have neither the cash nor the time, and that if I work-out and do weights and get all buff, I won't be able to afford new clothes that fit; but to a certain extent it may be that I rarely ask women out on dates, and I get little encouragement or inspiration from my pathologically single and slovenly friends (there being perhaps one or two minor exceptions in the latter category) in these matters.
While I'm on the subject of looking one's best for dress-to-impress reasons, it has been put to me by a female of the species (most of whom are born with a natural inclination to self-beautify) that a lot of women do not dress up to impress others but in fact they do it "for themselves". And this is quite a common statement on such matters. I saw in a number of boob-job documentaries, that women were coached to say that they wanted cosmetic surgery "for themselves," and not to impress anyone else.
I will believe such a statement when a woman shows me, in all honesty, the new high-heels, g-string, cocktail dress and lipstick she got for eating beans on toast and watching 'Neighbours' when nobody's home.
Anyway, I'd like to think I'll get in gear when I've loadsamoney to buy all the fancy 'boysmetics,'(Hmmm... I should probably patent that word before someone makes a mint from it - meh!) I like, but the truth is I won't. I'll be too old, and possibly too fat and married and stressed.
Will money and power still be sexy in 10 years time, or am I going to need a plan 'B'?
I just came across the following image, and I'm now doubting that I even know what a so-called metro-sexual is

I'm pretty sure that twelve yeses or more will make you a basket case, a closet case, a deeply contemptible individual, and most likely all three.
Why go to the nightclub at all? Why not let your imaginary wife go in your stead while you bench-press your children in your gender-sensitive livingroom and gucci shoes? Or better still: try to be less of a twat?
Sice when are there 3 's'es in yeses?
Since yesssterday!
And since when is there no 'n' in 'since?'
My lab matey gave twelve honest-to-God yesssses. Emphatic ones too. I didn't tell him that you took the piss out of anyone with that many yeses. Although, I could and you wouldn't have much to worry you honestly think someone with twelve yeses would be up to the job of kicking anyone's ass.
He might pull your in-need-of-a-haircut hair though.
Wow Kiva!
I had no idea such a man could exist!
From what I'd been given to believe of this metrosexual type, I certainly didn't think one would be married with kids.
And of course what I know of working married men with children, few of them have time for breakfast, let alone going to the gym every day, shopping for top of the line clobber, moisturising, getting manicured, or just having a good old cry from time to time (o.k. there's always time for the latter... sniff, sniff).
Either the man doesn't need to sleep or he hires home help. Oh, wait, there's one more possibility... are you giving him a manicure right now before the pair of you go on an extended shopping lunch? You scientist types get away with moida!
Now hold your horsies a second, he's not married with kids so the question about staying home with the kids I excluded from the count. Although his answer, if he were to have a wife and kids, would be yes.
To be fair, when you look at him you wouldn't think 'that guys a metrosexual'...wait, would anybody think that about anybody ever? And if they would, they need to get out more or stay in more or....I don't know.
Anyway, my point is that, on examination, I don't think he looks like your 'typical' metrosexual. He's just not well groomed enough, yet he seems to spend an enormous amount of time grooming. I'm confused.
Also, why do i have to copy the little word when i leave a comment? i presume it's some sort of security reason but i just wondered what it does?
Thank crunchy it's friday, the simplest things are too much for me at the moment.
Four yesses, I'm safe. Odd to find out that non-MS guys yearn for a miserable disease-ridden family. And I have never seen anyone drink orange juice in a nightclub.
As Aristotle said, etc.
Yeah, Aristotle... just remind me - it was such a long time since he said it.
I think there's also something up with "I want to grow old with the woman I love." Shouldn't this read "I want to erase all evidence of the passage of time since my 21st birthday at all costs and if my wife doesn't look hot she's going under the knife or to divorceville because I am obsessed with physical beauty?"
I think my score is between 4 and 6. The vagueness comes down to me taking a wild guess as to the diffrence between a vegetable and fruit facial (ingredients? duh); and changing a diaper: how hard could it be?
Also, did you notice that some of the questions will be answered in the affirmative by anyone in western civilisation who is not lying?
Heck I don't know, maybe rumours even exist in China that someone once saw a man cry and legend has it that some crazy guy did the dishes in the early 17th century.
Yep, I'd be rather scared of someone who scored zero on this. But as Spinoza said, etc.
Word verification is 'boagytqh'. Do I win a prize now because I can read?
Ah, fooled you. I can't. I can only write. Right?
Meant to say, what if you can't read the frikkin' writing cause it's too tiny? Plus, I'm not green and I only have two arms.
Must go, dahling - my frappacino is mochaing.
Did you mean: bought
Eh, who is this guy? No I don't mean 'bought', Professor Pissmire. If I meant 'bought' I would have typed 'bought'. 'Sice when' did such finickyness constitute a comment?
Word verification is now abueqyjn BTW (without the 'BTW').
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