Predictably Unrefined Thoughts on NYRs
Every year a lot of talk goes around about New Year's Resolutions. Personally, I 've always felt that NYRs are philosophically unsatisfying - even if you do 'succeed'. Largely this is because I've never been one to place confidence in trickery when it comes to changing your own behaviour. I reckon that if you don't like something about your behaviour, you are doing yourself damage by putting off doing anything about it until January. And generally I think that big decisions are possible and that it's healthy to just grab yourself by the shirt-collars every so often, get in your own face and tell yourself to stop being such a wussy - and mean it. The more spontaneous the hour, the day and the month: the better.
Bad habits, as we all know, come from brain-monkeys. The older I get, the more foolish, unruly, and slovenly the monkeys in my mind have become. And increasingly the monkey-tamer is becoming laisez-faire in his role and perhaps even a little simian in his own outlook. So much so, I must now admit that often he seeks to cajole rather than spank the monkeys into coming round to his way of thinking; and if that isn't bad enough his goals become weaker every year. I know that this is not a universal tendency, but I think it transpired in my own case because I had too strict a monkey-tamer in my younger years, and now, as he feels guilty about the harsh regime he employed, it is easy for the monkeys to take advantage. Whatever the reason, I now find myself riddled with intellectual monkey-business and I do hope (and it's purely coincidentally the beginning of January) to have my monkey-tamer walk in a brisk and healthy manner somewhere between the extremes in the future.
Despite this, I did not engage in any NYRing this year. I maintained my lifelong repugnance for the convention. But while I refused to be pressurised by the furrowed brow of my calendar, I did take on something similar. It was a sort of belated mini-NYR: a booze-free week (this week) undertaken in solidarity with a brave NYR-man who is impressively giving up both drinking and smoking for all of January and replacing the two with jogging and reading. Initially I thought that doing both was a step too far - that it might drive the monkeys crazy and they'd tear up the joint. In fact part of me still has this fear, but then I concluded that his monkey-tamer probably did some kind of deal and convinced the monkeys it would be worth it for the kudos. The kudos, that is, as well as the €100 that his mates bet he couldn't do it, and the greatest nicotine & alcohol binge of all time come February 1st. Beware though my friend, monkeys are not always creatures of their word. Vigilance!

Do not intoxicate this man
I gave up booze for January. I lasted ten days. :(
So what happens now? Do you continue drinking merrily or do you consider it an isolated moment of weakness and persist in the abstinence?
Firstly, stop using the word 'simian'. We all know this isn't a word at all, and merely a foolhardy attempt to replace 'monkey-like' as the correct adjective. Why would you do this, some would wonder? I wouldn't. Wonder that is. Because I know why. It's because you HATE me.
Well, the feeling is mutual.
Also, your reference to spanking the monkey, cleverly hidden though it was, further lends credence to my theory that all your blogs are really just disguised paeans to self-love. Ther jig, as no-one says anymore, is up! Wanky.
We call him Nathan 'Suck-it-up' Jones for a reason... and that reason has nothing to do with the image that initially springs to mind (or spurts to face). It's because he is the master of repression and bottling things up.
So I'm left with two theories. The first is that these legendary bottles have burst and I'm not the only one who's going to have a can of whuppass opened on them (and if this is the case, i probably still have the worst to look forward to), or the machiavellian (crap I can't spell that and don't want to look it up) mind of one addled by abstinence is trying to cause some kind of rift.
...turns out it was more or less the first theory by the way... but it was a close one.
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Sass, I suppose I will have to reluctantly accept $10.
On Friday night some of my friends were going out drinking to celebrate the birth of this guy.
I was tired and cranky for a number of reasons, largely because I was contemplating what an awful and lazy student I am, and to a lesser extent as the week's flu-y-ness had left me low on energy and vim. So I didn't want to be out among drinkers as a cranky no-fun sober dude.
One would wonder how I could, having made this start to the evening, end up drinking 3 or 4 pints and a couple of shots of grand marnier.
The reason is probably the same one as that which caused our favourite NYR-man to do something very similar (though probably more voluminously) in another locale with more costly consequences at the very same time: an appetite for seduction.
That's what it ultimately comes down to with alot of us men-types. Whaddya gonna do?
I can't figure out whether I should feel better or worse about my own failure in the light of his, but I've made my decision: I feel better - much better in fact.
Oh, neither of us have admitted to the other that we broke yet. I found he did from a blabbing third party.
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