

I'm really not very good at this picture posting business. So apologies for amaturism.
(I've got a picture I want to put on my profile as well. If anyone knows how to do that I'd appreciate a little advice)
Anyway, that's not dandruff, it's snow.
As for all that brown I'm covered in... yeah, you're prbably right about that.
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Holy Crap! You both posted to my site within minutes of me putting up that picture and I don't know either of you. Cheers to you both.
Can't see your profile Trisha so will have to imagine you are a figment of my imagination (not that I have a lot of them or anything).
I'll check that out Russell, thank you.
just thought you should know that you have messed up and put up only half your head. Yes, yes, we all know it's that big but surely you could have leaned back from the camera? You look like a pig feeding at a trough, for Trough's sake.
And why that side of your head in particular?
Damn anonymity.
Hey James!
Great picture. I had the same problem so what i did was posted a picture of myself up like normal (take your snow one for example) using picasa, and then when that was up i went to the properties of the picture, got the URL and pasted that into my profile. It seems to have worked.
PS- I like your garden!
Ps- How do you get the information up at the side which shows which other sites you use and links to other pages? I must admitt to not knowing too much about how my page works, but then again i am a bit of a "newbie!"
Holy picture! I had the same problem but now I use Clean-Rite (tm) to get rid of those annoying grease stains. You look like a kestrel swooping on a stunned rat, for rat's sake.
I got my valentine, on Valentine's Day and everything! Thanks so much.
You didn't send me anything for Valentine's...
Jam, I love the photo...very Hollywood-esque!! :)
hey schmuckley... I love the half-head pic of you! I wonder if the other half of your face looks the same as the half in the picture..?
It's kinda difficult to believe that after so many wonderful/controversial/detestable blogs that a mere picture of some bearded freak in the snow elicited so many comments. I think 15 comments is the record for this blog (even taking out the ones I put in myself).
Maybe I should just quit my yappin and just put up the eye-candy shots. Writing is clearly my downfall.
Speaking of which, I won't promise another blog soon as I feel quite uninspired currently.
Anyway, I'm taking votes on whether I look more like a feeding pig or a swooping kestral. Furthermore I intend to rig the ballot.
Siobhan, welcome. Sock it to those italians.
What's Her and Sass, you are both very welcome (and Sass, I must correct you, it was a valentine, however it was not merely a valentine but of course was so much more). As for my ability to keep up correspndence, there are those who may disagree with you I have to admit, but I do try my best.
Jo, 'Hollywood-esque?' Is that a compliment? I can't tell anymore.
As for you Schmen-Ben, Since you know me for five years now and even if you didn't there's a little clue as to the other side of my face in the picture, it seems unnecessary for me to explain to you (though I will anyway) that the right hand side of my face is a buttock due to a birth defect that switched that side of my face with half of my ass. This is why people get confused as to whether I'm being offensive or flirtatious when I tell them to kiss my ass, and also why even I am not entirely sure where my brains are. I suppose I should put up another shot of the other side sometime. Speaking of which can I borrow your camera?
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