Patty’s Prosopography
Patty, a pooning and party-loving paragon of pansexuality (and a putative poontang); has a penchant for polygamous and plenteous pair-bond. Indeed, her propensity is so potent; one would posit that a periodical of Patty’s paramours would, perforce, be so paginal; as to practically render a perusal of it perdurable – even with a provisory preclusion of pseudoepigrapha and paralipomena!
Proficient and persistent in her pursuit; Patty has persuaded a preponderance of people from the pusillanimous, procrastinatory and pantywaisted to the perfidious, prognathous and puissant (not to mention the perfectly papabile polyglots and politically prominent (paralipsis noted)) to partake in her pleasurable pastime.
Presently however, Patty feels peculiarly perfunctory and finds potential partners to be pedestrian and pabulum; pronouncing pouchong, paddymelon (or provolone) with pumpernickel and playing Pac-man with puerility, to be preferable proprioceptives to her previously prevailing prurience.
Anything but a proponent of the proactive promulagation of paralogical prognostication, Patty never pondered the permanence of her predicament – proposing in the place of pessimism that her pappy pep had probably not permanently perished.
But pitifully, Patty is not precisely perspicacious, and her provocatively picaresque personality, parallel with Patty’s person, poodle peacefully but persistently and ever-precariously toward purgatory; and despite her profuse promiscuity, precluding even primogenital progeny. Providentially, however the passions of Peter, the pall-bearer of the purlieu, are particularly pursuant to the posthumous. What a propitious portent for Patty!
Preliminary/Piddling P-glossary:
Pabulum: bland or insipid intellectual fare, entertainment, etc.
Pac-Man: an electronic computer game in which a player attempts to guide a voracious, blob-shaped character through a maze while eluding attacks from opposing images which it may in turn devour. It is also the name of the bob-shaped character itself. – ORIGIN 1980s: Pac, probably a respelling of PACK (from the character’s action of ‘packing away’ (i.e. eating) obstacles in its path) + MAN
Paddymelon: variant spelling of PADEMELON.
Paginal: of or relating to pages of a book or periodical
Pair-bond: (of an animal or person) form a close relationship through courtship and sexual activity with one other animal or person.
Pansexual: not limited or inhibited in sexual choice with regard to gender or activity. A person who is sexually inclusive in this way.
Pantywaist: A feeble or effeminate person
Pap: a woman’s breast or nipple
Papabile: worthy of being eligible to be pope
Pappy: of the nature of pap
Paralipomena: things omitted from a work and added as a supplement.
Paralipsis: the device of giving emphasis by professing to say little or nothing of a subject.
Paralogical: of or relating to a form of reasoning that does not conform to the rules of logic
Perdurable: enduring continuously; imperishable
Perfidious: deceitful and untrustworthy
Perforce: used to express necessity or inevitability
Perfunctory: (of an action or gesture) carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection.
Perspicacious: having a ready insight into and understanding of things
Polyglot: knowing or using several languages
Poodle: move or travel in a leisurely manner
Poon: dress in such a way as to attract attention, typically with sexual success in view
Poontang: A woman or women regarded solely in terms of potential sexual gratification.
Pouchong: a kind of china tea made by fermenting the withered leaves only briefly, typically scented with rose petals
Prognothous: having a projecting lower jaw or chin.
Proprioseptive: relating to stimuli that are produced and perceived within an organism.
Prosopography: a description of a person’s appearance, personality, social and family connections, career, etc., or a collection of such descriptions
Prurient: having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters
Puissant: having great power or influence.
Pumpernickel: dark, dense German bread made from coarsely ground wholemeal rye.
Pusillanimous: showing a lack of courage or determination.
Putative: generally considered to be
My preposterous pal, what purple prose! Pray parley, what ponderings prompted you to produce (and publish) this parable pervaded by "p"?
God you must be bored!!! Most impressive work young boy.
Pardon me for not persisting in producing a preponderance of P-words (Dammit I can't help it now!)
Thanks for your comments folks.
Rog, It's not so much that I have time on my hands so much that Contract law is really very trite and a perusal of 'P' in the dictionary is often more interesting - which I suppose largely answers the impressively written question from our anonymous friend. Who are ya by the way?
Sass, talk soon.
Max, always a pleasure.
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