Go on. I dare ya.
The following register on the Buckley hard-to-spell-ometer.
I dare you to give me your answers.
Looking at it, 'Responsible' shouldn't be there. I know how it's spelt/spelled, i just think it looks wrong. Kinda like 'Soap' - what's that about? Why not 'Sope'?
Anyway, Kerry, yes. You're a bad person.
This very dull blog incidentally, was inspired by an x-girlfriend who seems to need to use the word 'quiet' in every email she sends me (for alsmost a year now) but she spells it 'quite' every time. This really hurts my neurotic head but I still haven't picked her up on it.
I like to think this makes me a tolerant person, but I'm bubbling away with secret (if inexplicable) fury on the inside.
Thanks for playing Kerry. I like the way you like to play. I'll give you my answers now as I'm pretty sure no-one else could be arsed.
My answers (which may still be wrong) were:
(c) Squirell
(a) ferret
(a) Circumfrence
(a) Minuscule
(a) Responsible (d'uh)
(c) Harass
And then I would have said none of the above, and it's spelled 'Brocolli' - but I looked it up and I'm wrong. It's (c) Broccoli. Is that what you said? I can't rememeber.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, the x I mentioned doesn't read this blog - in fact none of my x-es (what on earth is the plural of 'x'?)do. One even declined an invite to read it I think. So how many x-es is that now? Um, well lets see, I could count them on one hand, but i need them both to type. Never mind. Move along. Nothing to see here.
Looks like that took some effort. Your use of 'ewe' betrays that indeed, irony aside,you are a master speller. But unfortunately you know what they say Max: Master speller, nasty smeller.
This comes from the 'Spelling Bees' of 18th century Amercia at which the master spellers carried flowers to try to mask their offensive odour. Then naturally the flowers attracted bees and the master spellers would retreat again into their smelly isolation caves of stink as swarms of bees pursued them. This made the townspeople happy, as it kept the bees away, but even to this day, master spellers are held in great suspicion for their smelliness and also then whatever emotion attaches itself to a scape-goat. Also, many of us continue to beleive we will be stung if our spelling improovs.
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