Drinking Habits of the Irish Male
I imagine it's a cultural phenomenon. It seems to happen with such regularity to so many of my peers that one can only surmise that it's all part of the shamrocking, gig-doing, do-gigging, sing-songing, song-singing, literary, rare-littering, fiddle-playing, play-fiddling, hey diddle diddle of being male and Irish and in your twenties (however many of them you've had).
The way it works is as follows: during your evening lecture /otherwise productive day, you think about a string of loosely related issues which may include among others:
* All the work that needs doing tomorrow
* How you really need some good sleep
* How pinstripe only looks good on some men and not others
* How you have't been doing much study lately and really oughta knuckle down
* How being hard-working and disciplined is actually very rewarding
* How your finances are looking kinda shaky at the moment
* How that blonde girl is wearing much more makeup than usual and may have a date tonight
*How you don't need to have a drink just because you're in the pub and everyone's drinking
* How you may concede and buy one drink to be sociable but you'll home in bed by 11.
* How things were different before when you used to go out drinkin with youthful exuberance and recklessness and all that has changed now... which is good.
Then what happens generally is that on the way to the pub you think that you're really tired and would prefer to go home but you decide to go and make a perfunctory appearance; say hello, make with some small talk and politely excuse yourself. Shortly after that you realise that if you move from horizontal to vertical, you're quite likely to throw-up some of the 5 pints of stout, the shot of sambuca and the burger you had before you ended up on your mate's sofa at 3 in the morning. Then you come to a few hours later and sluggishly start to wonder if the rain-mud-stains from the friendly (but all too exerting) little wrestle you had on the way home is that visible and whether anyone will especially notice that you're coming into work late, smelling of booze, and wearing yesterday's shirt... again.
Yet I regard myself as one of the more sensible people I know. Seriously.

Fig 1.1
The drinking Irish Male in his natural habitat. Figure 1.1 captures a rare occassion in which the creature is engaged in loftier intellectual pursuits than puns relating to the reproductive organs and practicises of the species. The author is the right-hand specimen (though is himself left handed - so I suppose he's in fact the left-handed right hand specimen). Note that they most often fail to attract the female of the species to thier ritual.
On mornings like this i have to jump start my head a little so that I can concentrate on my work. Writing this helps, but another thing is that I read anything that's written anywhere to exercise my eyes. On the toilet seat in my office (well beside the office - that'd be a bit gross - also would give 'office cubicle' a new slant... anyway) it says the following:
Customer Notice
Clean this product using hot soapy water. If disinfectant is required, a plain, unscented bleach may be added to the water.
Any other cleaning mediums could result in chemical attack.
A threat of a chemical attack over toilet cleansers? Who knew we imported toilet seats from the US?
Yes, that's the joke.
If it's any consolation, I'm putting up a blog shortly called 'minimumload' which will be in your honour.
Surely it's a warning against using psychics to enlist otherworldly help with the cleaning, lest everyone end up covered in ectoplasm?
Sound advice indeed.
In that case I expect they would've said something about 'white spirits' (arf arf)!
What a terrible pun. I was gonna sign in, but I probably can't put my name to that horrendous pun without sapping what's left of my so-called dignity.
Ah feck it, maybe someday there'll be nobel prize for bad puns, and if I start now...
buckley - regarding the pinstripe conundrum, pinstripe makes things appear longer, so it all depends whether or not you possess any bodily apparatus requiring elongating.... and those who own pinstripe lined with red satin need more than just mere elongation can provide
Em, not really sure I should be telling this story but hey... painfully embarassing stories are meant to be shared... it's the only way to make yourself feel any better.
In Venice, I discovered that the large majority of public toilets are not made for the maximum load and while there's an absence of warnings such as that on the train toilet door, "solids" are no more welcome in Venice than on trains to Galway. Anyway, I was in Venice a few years ago, at a restaurant with friends. I joined a very long queue to use the toilet, the one and only toilet for the very large restaurant - Italian public toilets are few, far between, and usually very dirty, and if they can manage to avoid actually equipping them with a toilet bowl they will. Anyway, after waiting a good 15 minutes and waiting for a mother and daughter who'd insisted on using the toilet together to stop giggling and shouting in some other foreign language inside the cubicle I finally got my turn. I went in, took a piss and flushed the toilet. That's where things went oh so very very wrong. I found myself ankle deep in overflowing toilet water, toilet paper and other people's turds. There was a queue of impatient people waiting outside the door and I'm inside having a panic attack and fighting back waves of nausea trying to figure out a way to escape without having to confront the hoards of people outside. In the end, I came out, closing the door behind me and (not knowing a word of Italian, or in any case not the word for broken) said "It's broken, ist kaput!" and legged it as fast as I could past all the other customers back to my table where I announced in a fit of hysteria "I broke the toilet, we're leaving right now!!!" to the immense amusement of everyone there. They refused to leave and I had to sit there and watch as word spread around the restaurant and waiters across the room began pointing and laughing at me. I want to strangle that feckin mother and daughter shitting tag team, that's assuming the shite belonged to them. Who knows.
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