On Loving Your Monkey
I haven't been talking very much lately about Quasi-Mojo (indeed given that the site was named after him, I've really given him a proverbial 'short shrift' quite unforgivably since the start) and perhaps there will be more on our misadventures in future posts; but in the absence of any great glut of quasi-mojo stories, I'd like to make some reference to a couple of stories that my attention was indirectly drawn to by a fellow blogger during my perusal of the blogosphere.
I've been pretty intimate with my monkey, and I'm aware that some people think that this is a bit weird. At times I have believed them and tried to supress our bond but now I have found a new and purer conviction that it is entirely natural as I have discovered (as you will discover now) that I am at least not the only person in the world who loves their monkey in a way that others consider less than wholesome.
Consider my friend Namita who lives happily with her monkey-son in India:


The full story is here on BBC.
Now admittedly I am as conservative as the next person about how long a 'son' should be breastfed for, and the figure of 5 years does look a little suspicious to me. I consulted Quasi-Mojo on the matter and he told me that this would be unlikely to happen in a natural as opposed to surrogate mother/monkey relationship, and that it probably persists on a more (shudder) sexual, than nutritional level. I'd also like to emphasise that I have no such relationship with my monkey (ours being more fraternal in nature) but the overall point I'd like to leave you with today is that freak though I am, I am neither the only one nor am I the biggest one.
It appears that interest among the ape-community in human mammaries is not confined to this monkey and the conclusion by one exPERT that a gorilla wants to see nipples has caused what will no doubt be a costly cufuffle (tweak here for the full story)
An excerpt from the story reads, "...Patterson would interpret hand movements by Koko as a demand to see exposed human nipples. She warned Alperin and Keller [who have since been fired] that their employment with the foundation would suffer, the suit says, if they "did not indulge Koko's nipple fetish.""
Hmmm. I wonder if they were men would the evil zoo-people have made them get boob-jobs to keep the gorilla happy?
Quasi-Mojo agrees that female breasts are aesthetically pleasing to him, but he also pointed out that a lava lamp would generally keep his attention longer.
Q-M isn't exactly computer savvy but I suppose if anyone out there thinks they have a set that could rival a lava lamp, you could send it to me via email and I'll pass it on and let you know.
Yeah, it's better than the other way around though.
Oh, and if a guy ever referred to my nipple as 'teat' I'd probably slap him
hey - that links is to ME! i'm famous.
Hey buckles,
Just read your response to my comment on Cacace's blog. Here is my considered response:
Eh, yeah, that's totally what I was getting at. Also, the pelican dropped a fish RIGHT DOWN HIS PANTS! HIS PANTS, BUCKLEY!
Ah, pelicans...what can't they do?
Here's a topical picture of Koko with a camera: http://www.conorwalton.com/gallery02/02monkeypainting.htm
(isn't he cute?)
Well folks it's close to four in the morning here, which means buckley has been drinking and forgetting all the law he studied today (which isn't all that much, truth be told); but now it's time for me to be utterly freaked out by how much conorwhatsit's self-portraits look like me as a freaky older man and say that pelicans peli-can't paint their toe-nails whereas Nathan can (and I'm not saying he does, wink, wink) and ERL, I don't know what those letters stand for but I'm glad you swung by to take your bow, and Lindsey you are the finest catal(ink)yst who ever got people looking at my blog and for that I am truly drunk and grateful.
Wonder what Sass is up to these days...
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